Declaration of intention to entrust work
A quick form of employment for a foreigner
A declaration of intention to entrust work is the fastest form of employment for a foreigner. On behalf of the employer, we submit a complete application for declaration of intention to entrust work through ePUAP. Our responsibilities – filling out documents, submitting an application to the relevant district labor office (PUP), making adjustments and amendments and obtaining decisions.
The declaration is issued for the period up to 180 days and is used to legalize work while waiting for a residence card and to obtain a work visa at the consulate.
Who can use the declaration of intention to entrust work?
States, the residents of which may work on the basis of a declaration of intention to entrust work to a foreigner, are only and exclusively: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
The declaration of intention to entrust work to a foreigner must be entered into the register of declarations by the district labor office. In addition, a foreigner must have a document confirming the right to stay in the Republic of Poland that gives the right to work in Poland.
An employer submits a declaration of intention to entrust work to a foreigner to the district labor office which enters a declaration into the register. When the declaration is registered by the labor office, the employer hands it over to the foreigner who uses it to apply for a visa at the consulate. The declaration of intention to entrust work gives a foreigner the right to off-season work for up to 6 months during the next 12 months.
The employer is obliged to notify the labor office of the employment (no later than the day of work commencement) or non-performance of work by a foreigner (within 7 days from the date of work commencement specified in the declaration).
Thanks to the cooperation with Motli Business Consulting, you will receive a declaration of intention to entrust work as soon as possible. Our actions include informing the district labor office about employment or non-employment of a foreigner. Cooperation with our company guarantees that the service is always performed comprehensively and with due diligence.